About Us

North East Food Bank is an indigenous food bank that seeks to mitigate hunger and malnutrition among vulnerable populations in the northeastern part of Nigeria.

What we do

The Northeast Food Bank is an initiative of Big Family 360 Foundation that aims to eradicate food insecurity among vulnerable populations in the BAY States (Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe).

NEFB advances innovative solutions through several integrated multisectoral approaches. It provides food security, nutrition education, and innovative programs that proved to eradicate food insecurity by focusing strategically on using digital technology to empower families and broadens access to healthy and affordable food.


NEFB works beyond immediate food assistance to address the underlying causes of food insecurities. We empower families with skills and tools to help them prepare healthy food on a budget. We educate local farmers about food insecurity and advocate for policy changes in government. We provide innovative programs designed to improve the overall health of individuals and communities to create sustainable change.

How to help

We rely on a network of growers, manufacturers, wholesalers, grocery stores, and individuals to donate food that we distribute to communities. Our partners include food pantries, restaurants, food donors, and individual and corporate bodies. Every dollar you give to help meets the immediate need for food and services.